Orlando Health

ER Campaign: We’re Here

  • Services

    • Advertising
    • Design
    • Digital
    • Print
    • Social Media
  • Year

    • 2023
  • Timeline

    • 3 Months
  • Sector

    • Healthcare

Breathe new life into the ER brand refresh.

Why do people seek emergency care? Each person’s motivations are influenced by unique circumstances and personal characteristics. It could be a sense of urgency and concern, heightened level of health consciousness, desire to avoid further complications, reactive behavior, lack of primary care providers or emotional distress about symptoms. Regardless of the motivation, it’s usually unplanned and often unsettling.

Make going to the ER more approachable with a light-hearted tone.

Our concept centered on making a trip to the ER less daunting and with the reassuring copy, “We’re here,” further elaborated in ads and social posts.

We aimed to highlight the Ers expertise, accessibility, and compassionate care.

We crafted a multi-channel campaign comprised of print ads, social media posts, billboards, and radio ads, leveraging engaging lifestyle photography with evocative copy to convey expertise and compassion.

The imagery highlights the most common reasons for seeking emergency care.

With the exception of trauma, four of the main reasons for a trip to the ER are abdominal pain, headaches/dizziness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

The campaign resonated strongly with the target audience, effectively communicating the organization’s message of quality care and accessibility. Client feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with Orlando Health’s leadership praising the campaign as the best seen within the hospital system’s marketing efforts.

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We create branding for the modern world.

Orlando, FL